Tuesday, September 23, 2008

No Timbaland without Polow?

Check out this interesting video:

As Polow says it's all about relationships. You never know who's watching.


  1. Polow is almost embarassingly candid toward the end. If Tim saw this, he'd probably wince. LOL

    Great vid.

  2. i always wondered how and why tim got back with interscope... now the part where he said no one was touching timbaland... idk.. he was still banging out top 5 tracks out... dirt off your shoulder??? headsprung??? but he did have a drought.... but tim was just waiting for that right time.. now Jimmy iovine is on tim's jock... let's see who's laughin now... polow's tight... bites... but he cool

  3. Chris Cornell soon releases Part Of me as a single!


    Can´t wait for this!

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  6. Check 3 posts down for all that news too :)

  7. No there would be No 'Re-rejuvenated Timbaland without Danja!!!

  8. And also Polow better not get it twisted, when he says 'there's no other producer out there that can think like me' cuz there is Polow, there is...Danja!

  9. Tim did not need Danja to come back in the game. Have you ever a person taking time off to think of new sounds.You are trippin' if you think Danja is the reason for Tim's fame. Tim has always been the producer that he was then and is now.Timbo Da King!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. agreed. i actually think tims best work is without danja too. danja was still in high school when tim made get ur freak on, is that your chick, we need a resolutions etc etc etc.

    Danja just made tims music sound more main stream to the public thats all

  11. @ Jonathan I agree with this tim is better without Danja. I prefer when Danja and tim work on their own I have found that tims beats these days sound like too much is going on 2 heads is not always better than one. Danja has his own groove and so does tim.

    I personally feel like tim has lost it today his beats on songs like Nas "You won't see me tonight" were much more complex, I always felt that tim always produced amazing beats but sometimes the artists were not ready for his beats. No one except tims crew Static, Missy, Aaliyah could do justice to tims beats back then, and I think now that double A and static have past away no one else will ever have that chemistry with tim that they had together.

  12. So when timbaland came up with this "new sound" that's when he recruited danja!! this makes a lot of sense..

  13. Danja played an important role in the new sound I think personally is more of danja's sound then anything,Tim will come up with something and then the masses will try to do the same. What I got out of this was Polow still believed Tim had the midas touch even when the industry didn't want anything to do with Tim he still was making heat though.


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