Monday, October 1, 2007

Who flipped it better? Red Spyda Vs. Timbaland

Yet another new series we're bringing you here on The Chronicles, especially for all you sample heads. First, check D.O.E's "Mash It Up" produced by Timbaland and then check A-B's "Infrared" produced by Red Sypda.

Does the sample sound familiar? If not watch this:

Who used the sample better?

PLENTY more of these to come. If you know of any doubles, triples, or otherwise hit me up.


  1. Haha Timbo took this one no question! No comparison!

  2. movie excerpt yes, sample no.

  3. i agree with the movie excerpt. it aint a sample

  4. damn... you guys got the whole arsenal. what else (from D.O.E. or anyone else) you hidin' from us?

    btw, the "Hurt" danjamental is out

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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