Saturday, March 27, 2010

Timbaland Invades The Philipines!

Twitter was going crazy last night with all the anticipation of the Timbaland concert w/ JoJo & Justin Timberlake. Here are a couple performances from the show with an estimated 80,000 people in attendance!!

"Carry Out" (DJ Timmy T!!)

"My Love" & "Cry Me A River" (Check the freestyle at the end "bitch!" DAMN!)

"What Goes Around Comes Around"


Looks like it was a dope show!


  1. wished i was their man. i was in philippines in febuary.

    fucking beutiful country outside of manila.

    i told sebastian he should go wonder outside manila when he and the crew was their

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ha, u should watch the end of the "Summer Love / Chop Me Up" vid. seems like they like the new drake single.


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