Friday, March 19, 2010

No Timbaland on Nelly Furtado's Lifestyle

Well despite reports and lots of excitement, there will be no Timbaland on Nelly Furtado's upcoming album Lifestyle. While on tour in South America, she gave an interview with a Brazilian media outlet and said the following:

On Timbaland: "We’ve been friends for over ten years, we have that type of cosmic connection. I don’t have him on my new album, but we’ll surely work together again."

On her new album: "I can say is that its a combination of my other four albums. It has hip-hop, reggae, love songs. The funny thing is, after recording and making tours in spanish, my vocals are stronger."

Maybe we'll get a cool remix!


  1. WTF!?! In an interview last year she said she wrote 20 songs with tim and now none of these songs made it on the album?

  2. lol nelly just lost a ton of money...not working with timbo will be her demise.

  3. I'm disappointed but I'll be honest, though. Don't really think the tracks they woulda done woulda been anything to phone home about if its anything like the majority of SV2. Tim's dope but he hasn't been on fire lately.

  4. ... not buying this album. I don't care how good it is. No Tim, no sale.

  5. keep in mind: Nelly Furtado was big and hot before Timbo...

  6. Lol nelly was not hot before tim...fact
    And I cosign with boy fred! No sale.

  7. Whoah nelly was a DOPE cd. I'll definitely cop that disk

  8. @timnmagoo3
    yes she was hot before and already sold pretty much also the same numbers she did with Timbo.

  9. big a take the blinders off dude...she was not hot before tim...

  10. timmagoo - That's why Tim hit her up to sample and remix her stuff long before he worked with her right?

    Whoah Nelly went double platinum in the states, double platinum in the uk, and 4x platinum in canada

    folklore went platinum in canada and gold in the UK and USA

  11. What's this "no Tim, no sale" stuff? Do you like music, or do you just like Tim? You can't just deny potentially good music because a name you like isn't attached to it. What an awful attitude.

  12. yeah "no Tim, no sale" - just sayin Sceam and SV2...haha...

    but maybe it's better for her to stay away from tim this time cause i honestly don't want to hear her on some "SV2-leftover-crap-music"...her awful part on "mad" was more than enough...


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