Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Fray and Timbaland

The Austrailian quartet of The Fray best known for their number one hit "How To Save A Life" are currently enjoying the unique life of touring. "The shows are pretty strange,'' laughs Joe King. "Like one show, there was hip-hoppers and and rappers and Miley Cyrus onstage. I mean, we were the only band playing instruments.'' Though they had popularity, their newest feature on Timbaland latest album has given the that extra boost. "We're trying to get out there and experiment and try working with different artists,'' King says. "The best thing is it gives you creative energy. Whether it's Timbaland or some new artist it gets a part of you going and more ideas keep coming. We're looking forward to doing more of that.''

So is being on a Timbaland album these days a PR move or all about the music?

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