Monday, November 17, 2008

Video: Rihanna "Rehab"

Boring video.

None the less, great look for Hannon Lane. I hope the track does well.


  1. i knw! on mtv everyone was freakin over the video sayin it was the best ever...umm cheah i dont think soos lol absolutely great song tho :)

  2. Wow...I expected alot more from that video...When I got Rihanna's CD over a year ago..Rehab is the one of the only ones I liked...

    The video does not do the song justice...


    Rihanna is so fine it's ridiculous!!!!

  3. I guess the director didn't wanna be cliche w/ associating the title of the song w/ the subject....But still, this songs been hot for over a year, and now it can really top charts w/ a visual aspect.

  4. The track is gonna be a #1 hit....but bad video, i agree...

  5. i was actually imagining her to go and check into a rehab... :)

  6. i agree..its boring..rihannas lookin hot come she's never THAT hot live!?

  7. Cool song, very boring video

    cause she's fabricated to the maximum, don't let the media with its nice pics and videos fool you!

  8. I am a little bit dissapointed with the video aswell. But because the song is my favorite from her album (perhaps followed by "Sell Me Candy") I can stand the video!

    Her checking in to a rehab would have been the best idea although it may seem so predictable...sometimes the old fashioned way works! Making videos that have no relevance to the song only works for people like Kanye lol

  9. @ Don £ Blaze: hahahahahhaha!! tru tru

    im surprised that this song took so long to be released...i thought it was one of the greatest songs ever and it got released over a year and a half ago! ...the wait was long enough :)

  10. Rihanna....she's on top of her game, but I jus seem to keep disliking her. She seems to have a a lack of substance/personality. Her 'rival'Ciara has way more of a personality esp her last album 'Evolution' but shes now try to make a comeback but with the usual commercialised sound. Its a shame.



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