Thursday, November 6, 2008

Jamie Foxx uses his Intuition, snags Timbaland again

Before the near overnight Timbaland worldwide pandemonium with the release of Nelly Furtado's 2006's smash album Loose, all was quiet on planet Timbo. The dust was still settling from LL Cool and Brandy, and the sting from the loss of Beat Club Records was still fresh, and we Timbo fans were wondering is that it? Then slowly the tide started turning. First there was Sisqo's "Pop That." Ehh it was ok, but not the Timbaland from before. Then along came a song from comedian and actor Jamie Foxx that brought us fans hope, the slow jam "Can I Take You Home" that even reunited Supafriendz crew members Timbaland and Static Major.

Fast forward a few years and Foxx is back, working on his new album titled Intuition and has enlisted the help of Sean Garrett, Salaam Remi, The Dream, Tricky Stewart, Carlos McKinney, and Timbaland due in stores December 12 via J Records. I have to wonder if Jamie asked his Italian cook Sassagarrci to make a cameo.

Check back with us for more on this project!


  1. "Can I Take U Home" was a JAM. Timbaland went back to the Jodeci sound with that one.

  2. ''Can I Take U Home'' is still better than alot of R&B today. I really hope this happens.

  3. I can't lik, I am more excited to see Salaam on this project than Tim...

  4. this is probably gonna be delayed a couple years at most lol!

  5. New demo leaked.

  6. @ThomasCrown
    what the fuck happened during your birth?? provoking here, you trying to see how far you can take it huh?

  7. @thomascrown:
    No man, that's never Timbo. It's Brody Brown - Out of my Way and prod. by Brody Brown.
    He tries to have a similar like Tim but doesn't quite achieve

    back 2 topic:
    GREAT!!! Can't wait to hear what they've done!!
    I hope the Songs with Timbo make the Final Cut.


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