Monday, November 24, 2008

The rarest "We At It Again" version

I can still remember when Czar sent me my first alternate version of a Timbaland track many years ago. I had no desire at the time in even bothering with them but, in true stan form, the more I heard the more I wanted to collect all of them until finally I was bugging poor Czar daily for whichever alternates he had in his collection. For the most part most Timbaland songs have at least a radio edit which is slightly different (usually shorter) than the original. In some cases though a track has an alternate with either added sounds, maybe a deleted verse, or as is the case with the best alternates, an entirely different beat.

There are even those alternates that have a whole range of differences and such is the case with the track "We At It Again." Of the 6 versions known, the rarest and my personal favorite, comes from the actual movie "Romeo Must Die". Take a listen at around 1:08:

In case you didn't know, that's Static as the main voice in the track. Until now, I had no idea where this version had come from. Personally, I place it in my top 3 rarest Timbaland tracks ever known. Will the full ever surface? One day perhaps.

Props to Adam.


  1. hmmmm i had always wondered about that tune lol :) rip static :(

  2. And Aaliyah. God Bless the Dead :'(

    I had never heard this version until today. It's very old though, and I doubt it'll surface on the net anytime soon. Possibly somebody who already has it would have to share it... *winks to Czar* ;)

    Naw, in all seriousness, great find!

  3. If anyone has the promo audio tape (yes, audio tape) that was going around prior to the movie dropping, a snippet of this version is on there.

  4. doesn't show up for me, can you re-up?

  5. Someone buy the tape off ebay and let's see :)


    That's the best I can do for this track...


  7. I can't watch this right now but are you referring to the version with the very synthesized beat that sounds similar to "Try Again"??

    If so, I love that version best too...much more than the original/rock version... only have the snippet which I played alot, we need that full version!!

    For anyone interested, here is a tribute I wrote for Static, shortly following his untimely passing:


  8. J said something about 6 alternate tracks of we at it again.... i know of the one off the cd, the video, this one, and the explicit version.... what and where the other 2 versions?


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