Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Timbaland tries movies....again.

You all remember Timbaland's first venture into movies with 30 Years to Life right? Described as "each of a group of six African-American friends in New York City approach their thirtieth birthdays, they pause to evaluate life and question whether their hopes and dreams are going to come true as the realities of age, mortality and loss of metabolism start to set in." Plus it had one of the most sought after movie soundtracks that's never been heard. To this day no one seems to know why the soundtrack was never released.

Well Timbaland is ready to take his next step into movies, executive producing the movie Winyl which follows the lives of 5 young women facing life altering decisions about their relationships to members of a rock band. Timbo's Mosley Media Group and is teaming up with Effie T. Brown's Duly Noted Inc. to create the movie. Marcus Spence, President of Mosley Music, Tim's wife and publicist Monique Idlett Mosley, and Brown will be producing the film. Shooting starts in spring with Richard Zelniker at the director's helm.

Will there be a soundtrack in the works? Let's hope so!


  1. this sounds hot... i hope this actually comes to frution!
    btw u made a typo. the movies called "Vinyl"...

  2. Hmm, we'll see how long this lasts before he abandons it.

  3. Personally I think Danja could put together a better soundtrack than Timbaland... but i hope to be proven wrong, as always


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