Thursday, November 20, 2008

Music Video: Keri Hilson ft. Lil' Wayne - "Turnin' Me On"

Keri recently posted the full video for "Turnin' Me On" on her myspace. Check it out:




  2. Best video of hers to date. As I said this should be her make or break single.

    Thanks Czar!

  3. Make or Break Come on Keri Make it I want that damn album already!!!! Waiting toooooo long, about to give up on her if she gets pushed back any later than March 09!!!

  4. ugh the little delay between the video and the sound is gettin on my nerves but by far a great and awesome video :) go keri!!

  5. This video is good, but looking at the video makes me think the video is awesome, and it isn't.

    But what is up with all the guy shots for no reason? I'm trying to look at Keri's body... but some dude's six pack shows, pecs and all...

    I ain't sexist... but come on...

    I think Keri should use this album as a promo album. Then rework on a new album for Summer 08. I know that will cost more money, and more time, and wrestles hours... but it will be worth it...

    Oh yah... did I mention Keri is sexy?

    Not feeling the song, loving the video... when Keri is on...

  6. Hell yeah this video is fiyah & the song is getting heavy radio spins now its time for the video to get the same thing heavy rotation on TV. & also KERI IS GOING ON TOUR W/ LIL WAYNE NEXT MONTH I'm buying my tickets ASAP. Now its time for her label to step it up & promote her to the fullest & give the cd a release date cuz she already is in the studio recording more tracks.

  7. I still think the song is trash sounds like it took her 2 minutes to make. Henny and apple juice would have been better.

  8. the video direction is good, but the song is crap.... she sounds like a gagged chipmunk....

  9. Video is ok, nothing fancy about it. She would also turn me on in a video recorded with a cell phone! The song just isn't it and that's what it should be about ONLY

  10. I'm sad her hype may die if they leave it later than march - they need to drop her while she's hot!!!
    Love her regardless, and deserves HUGE success, c'mon Keri, Kill 'em!!!

  11. Hmmm...its aight! It SHOULD do well in the clubs...if not then I dont know anymore! Oh yh, Keri's v.good looking as we all already know :)

  12. Video is pretty basic, but it is a sucky song.
    Also, wasn't Return The Favor just dropped 4 weeks ago? All this pre-album hype doesn't help
    if the Album gets pushed so far away from all the single drops...

  13. The video is definitely dope. I agree that there is too many damn dudes with their shirts off. I mean come now. I'm not tryna turn on MTV Jams or BET and see all these damn dudes with they shirts off... Hahaha

    Naw but on the real the video makes the song better. I didn't like the song at first but now that I seen the video I like the song.

  14. Taylor Sutton from Lincoln Heights is on Zone 4???? lol damn ... okay I'm gonna go watch the vid now

  15. Haha Shout out to Chase N Cashe & Hit boy...Doing your thing. Great video.



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