Monday, July 23, 2007

Remix It!

The mixtape project is done but I've been getting a lot of e-mails from people for me to continue with it. I still wanted to get all of you involved in remixing Tim tracks since the response was so positive so I came up with a new idea. Every so often I'll just post an acapella for you guys to remix and we'll post them all up for people to listen to. No voting rather just an opportunity for you all to continue remixing and get your work out there.

Here's the first Remix It acapella:

50 Cent F/ Justin Timberlake "She Wants It" Acapella

I'll give you to next Sunday to send them to me: As always send your myspace and website in with your remixes. No stress, no competition, strictly for fun. BIG thanks to Nick for helping me come up with this idea.


  1. That's what's up... I'm in!

  2. thanks for the acapella...I'll send in a remix if I can come up with one

  3. Cool... Can we get the tempo?

  4. someone said it was 70bpm somewhere, i dunno. Anychance of a Timstrumental for this as well?? Would be the cherry on top...


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