Thursday, July 5, 2007

Mario's "No Definition"

Let's keep that new Timbo music going with the full track of Mario's

"No Definition"

You remember we posted the snippet of this track some time ago, well hold to it as it's actaully an alternate of this track. I am still trying to find out if The Royal Court was involved in this track. Big time thanks to Chin Checker for the track.

EDIT: This is a confirmed Royal Court and Timbaland track


  1. yeah.. not so much..

    i HOPE this is royal court.

  2. i think royal court or the clutch

  3. Die haben wirklich alle einen Klatsch. *g*

  4. @Anonymous
    wenn du was zu melden hast, dann bitte auf englisch, so dass dich jeder verstehen kann. Danke

    if u got somethin 2 say, plz do that in english so everybody can understand. thx

  5. this is wack!!!!!!!!!


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