Sunday, September 16, 2007

"Wait A Minute" sample

Czar, where you at?! We truly miss you and your sample of the week! Well Imma give the stans and fans something new for their collection. It might be not that spectacular like let's say the "We Need A Resolution" sample. But just listen now to PCD's song and then Barbara Stephens. Pay attention to the drums right at the beginning of both tracks, isn't it funny that both songs got the same title?

PCD - Wait A Minute

Barbara Stephens - Wait A Minute


  1. i dont think it was a sample, more like an interpolation or watever its called
    but good find =]

  2. yes interpolation fo sure, I just call it "sample" since we call it "sample of the week"

  3. i dnt understand, isnt it just an emulation of the drum pattern? why would that need to be credited?

  4. You've got to be joking me.. Do you know how many songs from this era have that double snare pattern..

    You've got to be joking me.

  5. go ahead and find them for me please Mr. Joke

  6. Definitely where Timbo got it from good look Big A!

  7. How do you find this shit!?!? *lol*

    It's definitely an interpolation. Because you can hear that PCD's "Wait a minute" draws obvious influences from Barbara Stephen's.

  8. the 2 anons don't realise that Big A said it was an interpolation....ignorant internet ppl

  9. theres a cameo song that is actually another source for the vocal melody of wait a minute...

  10. What??? Explain your definition of interpolation in regards to music??? Timberland and PCD clearly copied Barbara Stephens. Even if lot's of songs from that era had the same "double" snare patttern;how many were titled "Wait A Minute" with the same tempo and "double" snare??

  11. CAMEO was not out in the sixties - again PCD owes Barbara.


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