Wednesday, September 12, 2007's illseed shouts out The Chronicles

illseed over at always has those juicy rumors for all the us hip hop stans and he even shouted us out here at The Chronicles on our Jennifer Hudson/Timbaland/Jim Beanz article we recently posted. Check it out:


Big time props to Illseed and all those at for giving all us hip hop conisseurs the news, music, and goodies we all crave!


  1. I remember for years i couldn't find out anything on Timbo except for the old beatclub forum, now all i have to do is come here props all thougn it is not a rumour about the Jen/Tim track

  2. Its Shouts fool not shots

  3. Yay! Finally som recognition... Nw, wez nidz to c the website link on wikipedia az "Timbalandz Official Blog Site...". Yes, this som xcellent post J & Team, we gettin thurr, soon we'd b quoted by famous magazines as "Source Say"

  4. Way to go!!!
    Congrats. Y'all doing a very good job, pooling all infos related on Timbo and associates and thats why you're becoming a quotable news source!
    I check here at least once a day.
    Keep it up!

  5. nice job guys, doing a great job. love the chronicles!

  6. when I first came to the chronicles, I knew thats teh best Timbo site on the net. And its getting better and better.. I visit this site several times a day. One day Tim will recognize that this is the best site of him and soon you will get the exclusive informations straight from him!! please keep on workin at this site, you guys are doing an excellent job!!!

  7. Its actually Timbo,and Royal Court working on Pocket Book


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