Friday, July 18, 2008

New Kids On The Block will work with Timbaland

The Chronicles can now 100% confirm that the New Kids On The Block will be working with Timbaland and Jim Beanz. It's hard to believe it was almost 20 years ago since The New Kids were around.

Yet if there's anyone who can make the New Kids sound as fresh and relevant in today's music as if they never "left", it's Timbo and Jim Beanz.


  1. don't be surprised if this ends up being like the duran duran project.

  2. wow... different... im surprised... and i wanna see how this turns kind of scared but curious...

  3. Danja (and Jimmy D) carried most the weight of the Timbo camp in the Duran Duran project. Even Tim's songs had Danja written all over them.

    Plus, with Jim Beanz... I kinda don't know what to expect. Something along the lines of M. Pokora, or Dima Bilan??? Or Ashanti?

  4. i hope this ends up likes the duran duran project!!!
    that album was amazing!!!!!
    i am obsessed with nite runner & skin diver!!!!!!
    but it deff wont sound the same...
    duran duran & nkb are completly different!
    i have high hopes for this colab cuz i think if we would have found out that tim was working with jt we would have flipped and cry me a river came out amazing!

  5. like he has time...

  6. Timbaland has jumped the shark, if this wasn't obvious already

  7. man needs to provide food and a roof over his daughters head mate. its business as usual lads.


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