Friday, August 10, 2007

Duran Duran "Night Runner"

Finally we get to hear the full somewhat HQ version of Duran Duran's "Night Runner":

"Night Runner" by Duran Duran

I've said it since the beginning, I knew Tim and Danja's 80s vibe would fit Duran Duran perfectly and I stick to what I've been saying. This track is HOT! There's been conflicting reports if this track will be their 1st single or another one produced by Danja. Props to the anonymous person who gave me the heads up.


  1. this is aite...good thing i wasn't really looking forward to this track

  2. my mom told me always 2 be honest: this song is MAD boring, Tim Tim Tim...

  3. the track isn't that bad but it definately isn't single material for someone of duran duran's and tim's stature...the skin divers track would have been a much better choice,that one is way hotter than night runner

  4. There seems to be a total lack of energy.

  5. thanks... I'm gonna buy the album hoping Danja does his thing all over it.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. not feeling the chorus at all. pretty disappointed by this overall. :\

  8. danja has no place recording with some of the greatest artists ever - tim get rid of danja he is over-rated

  9. This is as weak as I thought it would be after hearing the live version...

  10. not very inspiring. this is average
    im sure they have better material up the sleeve.

  11. Cant wait 2 hear 'skin divers' in HQ !!! That one is really gonna be a hot track & they should take it as 1st single !!!

  12. this song bumps...nice work Tim...

  13. Insane! Been listening to the concert snippets of this and "Skin Divers" on repeat. Someone get them both in real CD HQ soon.

  14. I for one dig it! Duran Duran/Tim/Justin. Can't go wrong. CAN'T.


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