Friday, June 13, 2008

Sample of the week

It's been a long time since we've done a Sample of the Week but this week's has to be one of the fastest sample finds for a not so obvious sample ever clocked in at less than 12 hours. The song we're talking about is Sebastian's "Take It Off" the original version which was just posted yesterday. The sample comes from Greece by famed Greek singer Rita Sakellariou (Ρίτα Σακελλαρίου) who recorded over 30 albums in her lifetime. The sampled track is called:

"Αυτός ο άνθρωπος" ("This Man")

The track has been covered many times but Timbaland sampled the original. How Timbo came across this song is beyond me but it only shows how diverse his musical tastes really are.

BIG props to my man Zita on the sample. He listed it in the comment section but it was such a great find I had to write a separate post about it. Thanks! So along with giving his your shouts out to Zita, who wants see this Sample of the Week series come back? I know I do. Leave your comments for Czar and let's get him back posting some sample goodies.


  1. Why have you not mentoned that Tim just got married?!?!?!? And that Keri is in "VIBE"?!?!?!

  2. got married tuesday, congrats!!!

  3. Awesome! And yep bring sample of the week back, it s always interesting!

  4. bring back the samples

  5. congratulations timbo and timm(b)any ^^! ! !

    the sample is really gyle (cool) =D. more of those! by the way: what's up with brian kidd???

  6. The one & only... DANJA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. For sure we want the comeback of "sample of the week"!!

    I love these samples!!

    Lek comeback!!! lol =D

  8. more samples of the week plzzzz!!!!!!

  9. YES more Smaples of the Week!

    and WOW, Timbo listens to Greek Music thats so cool.

  10. Hey Julius Czar. Its time to come back now. Dont snooze, bring us some sample juice!

  11. Yes Czar, bring back sample of the was the best feature of this site


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