Monday, February 25, 2008

Shock Value II

After the worldwide success of his first album including three #1 singles and a 4th quickly climbing the charts, Timbaland's follow up to his platinum album Shock Value is very much a reality. Already a few tracks deep into the project, Timbaland has said via multiple concerts and interviews that possible collabs will be with Gwen Stefani, Akon, Lincoln Park, and The Jonas Brothers. You can also expect Timbo to keep with the same successful formula adding Justin Timberlake, Nelly Furtado, and the whole MMG family into the mix though no artists have been officially linked to the new album.

The long awaited Timbaland & Mary J. Blige track "Skycap" may also be included on the album. First reported to be part of Blige's album Growing Pains then moved to an international bonus single, then cut altogether, you can bet Tim and Mary didn't want the Clutch penned banger to go to waste. Who else could pop on Tim's newest collaborative project? We will have to wait and see.

Until then check keep checking back to The Chronicles for more updates.


  1. umm please fix the spellin of linkin park dude lol. its not "lincoln park".

  2. And this is old news.

  3. the jonas brothers?


  4. ^^"jonas brothers" thats wat i was thinkin lol but hey Im sure itll be hot
    cant wait, i hope he brings a whole new sound for this album


  5. You may as well say Justin Timberlake is confirmed for Shock value II. You know he's gonna be on half the album. I'm not even going to comment on The Jonas brothers other than to say that given Tim's moving into pop territory and him having worked with Ashlee Simpson, that I'm not surprised.

  6. Jonas Brothers?!? Might as well put Hannah Montanna on that the album too you damn sellout!!

  7. The Jonas Brothers would be a bullshit colabo. No Tim, don't do it

  8. On a slightly related note, where do you think Nelly Furtado and Justin Timberlake's "Crowd Control" will pop up (unless I'm out of date and it was rleased under another name)?
    I was thinking it would be on something Timbaland related, maybe SV2?

  9. so that Verizon album is gonna be another thing, right?

    So we'll get 2 albums in the near future...

  10. Jonas Brothers? What the fuck...

    That's the line right there. Why don't we throw in Miley Cyrus, too? Maybe he should do a Kid's Bop album?

  11. I'm not going to believe any of the news on collaborations - remember Shock Value I? Everyone and their dog was supposedly on that.

  12. I hope timbo make another song with Justin Timberlake,Nelly Furtado,Keri,Nicole and OneRepublic

    I can`t wait too =)


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