Saturday, January 10, 2009

Danja & Marcella talk "We Takin' Over" (Part II)

And here's the 2nd part:

Behind the scenes with Danja & Marcella Part II

It doesn't get much better than this folks. Definitely 2 of the best videos we ever had on The Chronicle. Next up Timbaland and Demo?? Let's hope so!

Props again to El Jefe.


  1. Yeah...I stack the kicks and snares, too.^^

    But at the point where Danja said that he could bring his MPC with him and show hsi other Beats for Khaled, I just thought:
    "Aaah, you stupid Remix Mag!!! WHY didn't you ask him to bring his MPC?!?! WHYYYYY!?!?" :D xD :D

    I'd love to see Tim and Danja in the studio.
    I hope they will re-unite for SV2. :D

  2. Wow... man... Boogie, you've been on it lately bro.

    This is so wonderful. And Marcella, so fine. Man, and that sexy ass lisp of hers.

    I'm 20 now, and my goal before 24 is to work with Danja, and/or Timbaland. Seriously man...

    I feel my music is ready, just... I have no natta connections lol. I'm finding my way though. :)

    Thanks for the video!

  3. This is so cool. It's like Inside The Actor's Studio for producers..

  4. I also found it interesting that Danja sort of admitted that he doesn't really work alone like other producers do.

  5. Another great video! Danja speaks the truth about Logic Pro 8. It's the best program to work with as a can work so fast and have every track bang...I work mainly with Logic maybe sometimes GarageBand or Live...

    I like the part when he talks about Tim...To sit in the studio with Tim for a few days and pick his brain would be wicked!!!!

  6. Both segz almost brought tears to my eyes...."IT'z A BEAUTIFUL THING". Right on 4 this.

  7. marcella sux mayn, sshe dun even know what shes doingb when shes mixing.

  8. Stop being negative. It's 09. Leave the hate back in 08.

  9. aight nigga, give me some private lessons and i might do it. ( one thing tho, i'm sure danja tapped that)

  10. Me give you private lessons for what? I aint good. lol

    And yah, I agree with you... lol dont want to say it though lol

  11. Firstly great vid. THanx Boogie. Now...Logic 8 is cool & all. But Pro tools 8, is something else. Its bn said to be the logic 8 killer. 2ndly..DC you right. Unlike alota producers. Danja is humble. DOTS ....dont hate on Ms Lago dude. shes responsible for some of your favourate songs. When I started producing I didnt even know all the technical names, but I knew what I was doing.


  12. Love the stacking of the drums part. I bet they are not saying the complete story guys...they will not reveal their lil tricks and magic obviously :) But love the video!

  13. my first time on Chronicles for the year...great post Boogie...great find El Jefe


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