Saturday, March 24, 2007

Timbaland & Bobby Valentino

We've all heard the Timbo produced first single called "Anonymous" but did you know Tim also produced another track for Bobby Valentino called "Rear View"? Slated to be his second single let's hope Tim brings the heat with it. I wasn't too impresed with "Anonymous" it sounds too much like "My Love" None the less it's good to see these two working together. To read the full article click here.

Now speaking of Bobby V and Timbaland, did you know Bobby V used to be a part of the group Mista? And that their second album had production by Timbo? No one has ever heard this unreleased album so I'm sure it's sitting in the Timbo vault along with all the unrelased goodies. Read more here.

Props as always to Big A for the links!

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