Thursday, November 16, 2006

Czar's Sample of the Week

Happy early Thanksgiving from myself and J Boogie! I'm leaving town in a few, so I thought I would post the sample of the week a little earlier than usual. This week, I thought I would share an oldy but goody.

Jay-Z's "Big Pimpin'" had to be the record of the summer in 2000, but few people knew at that time that the song sampled a highly popular Egyptian song. Although most people beleive that Tim sampled "Khosara" from Abdel Halim Hafez, it was really the Hossam Ramzy version, "Khusara Khusara" that Tim sampled.

Regardless of the version tho, there was a lot of controversy surrounding the sampling of "Khusara" from both newspapers in the U.S. and newspapers in Egypt. Check out one publication by the Al Ahram Weekly:

"Pimpin A Classic" .

That's it for this week's installment. Happy Thanksgiving!

Till next time,

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